Congratulations on your new dentures! Replacing missing teeth will allow you to eat and speak effectively, and your new smile will be a boost to your self-esteem. It’s true that your dentures are not your natural teeth, but they can still accumulate food debris, tartar and plaque, and you will need to clean them at least twice a day. To... read more »
Do you have a need for dentures? Did you know, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults, which leaves dentures as a popular option for smile restorations? Well, it’s true! Dentures are a way to restore your smile and teeth in a simple way. To help you understand more about dentures and see if they are... read more »
Oftentimes, dental erosion can occur to the point that a hole forms in your tooth enamel. If a hole forms, this is what is known as a cavity. To effectively treat cavities, the holes will need to be filled in with a highly durable material such as a composite filling. Composite fillings are designed to be tooth-colored in appearance and... read more »
If you ever wake up and feel any signs of tenderness or soreness in your jaw, it may be linked to an oral health condition known as bruxism. Bruxism consists of grinding and gnashing your teeth unconsciously. Although bruxism can often occur while you're awake, it is most often associated with sleeping. To determine if you suffer from bruxism, ask... read more »
Just as our team at Prosthodontics Associates, P.A. has to be conscious of and manage oral infection in the office, there are things you can do at home to reduce your probability of disease of the mouth, teeth and gums. Beyond the fundamentals of brushing and flossing, here are some tips to mull over: Wash Your Hands: Your mom and... read more »
The secret to a great smile during your teen years is heavily dictated by the decisions you make in your personal life and your social life. Not only can you enhance your oral health by not giving into the peer pressures of a teen life, but your overall health will profit greatly too. Your oral health services guide for teenage... read more »
Do you know what the benefits are for dental crowns and your smile? The advantages of dental crowns include an aesthetic upgrade for your teeth against irregularities and abnormalities, as well as protection for your teeth from future wear and tear and oral health disorders such as bruxism and cavities. In addition, dental crowns can restore a tooth’s functionality and... read more »
Do you have missing teeth and want to fill in your smile? Although there are many different varieties of tooth replacements, one of the most successful forms is a dental implant. Not only are implants permanent, but they can last a lifetime if you take care of them. Dental implants work by the prosthodontist installing them directly into your jawbone.... read more »
Are you considering a dental implant? If so, you are not alone. Thousands of people wonder if dental implants are right for them, yet they are unsure of the details around the procedure. That is why our team here at Prosthodontics Associates, P.A. in Portland, Maine, is happy to talk to you about dental implants, so you can discover if... read more »
With all the different types of mouthwash on the market today, it is important to find the mouthwash that fits your smile’s needs. Not only are mouthwashes designed to improve the smell of your breath, but they can clean your teeth, strengthen your tooth enamel, and even whiten your smile. Always use a mouthwash that can help accomplish the needs... read more »