Obtain New Teeth Through Dentures

Do you have a need for dentures? Did you know, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults, which leaves dentures as a popular option for smile restorations? Well, it’s true! Dentures are a way to restore your smile and teeth in a simple way. To help you understand more about dentures and see if they are... read more »

Caring for Your Smile With Dental Veneers

Are you unhappy with the look of your smile? Is it because of the condition of your teeth? Did you know that an entire branch of dentistry known as cosmetic dentistry exists to help invigorate and enhance the visual aspects of your oral health? If you have any issues with your teeth, a highly effective treatment to consider is dental... read more »

Treatments for Your Smile: Composite Dental Fillings

Oftentimes, dental erosion can occur to the point that a hole forms in your tooth enamel. If a hole forms, this is what is known as a cavity. To effectively treat cavities, the holes will need to be filled in with a highly durable material such as a composite filling. Composite fillings are designed to be tooth-colored in appearance and... read more »

A Partial Denture Can Help Replace Teeth Lost to Chronic Gum Disease

If you don’t effectively brush your teeth each morning and night, or you have a bad habit of forgetting to floss at least once each day, hardened tartar can start to accumulate at the base of your teeth near the gumline. This increases your chances of suffering from gum disease. Without professional intervention and treatment from our dentist, Dr. Paul... read more »

A Dental Bridge Can Help Replace a Missing Tooth

Tooth loss from dental avulsion, severe tooth decay, or another oral health problem can hamper your basic oral function. Depending on the location of the original tooth the void left in your mouth could also affect your speech and the appearance of your smile. If you have lost a tooth it’s best to have it restored by a qualified prosthodontist... read more »

Year-End Smile Upgrades: Bruxism

If you ever wake up and feel any signs of tenderness or soreness in your jaw, it may be linked to an oral health condition known as bruxism. Bruxism consists of grinding and gnashing your teeth unconsciously. Although bruxism can often occur while you're awake, it is most often associated with sleeping. To determine if you suffer from bruxism, ask... read more »

How to Clean and Preserve Dentures

We won't lie: false teeth can take lots of work. However, the benefits really are worth it. Here are some tips on treating dentures. Once you've received false teeth, you'll be able to speak appropriately and chew food again, and your smile will be full again. To preserve your regained dental health, make sure to retain the integrity of your... read more »

What Kind of Oral Health Risks Are You Taking With Oral Piercings?

Oral piercings are becoming a fashion trend when it comes to body jewelry, such as earrings. But it’s important to remember that piercings on the tissues of the mouth--tongue, cheeks, and lips--are riskier than earring piercings. Essentially, this is due to the millions of oral bacteria that live in the mouth, and have to be repeatedly cleared away with brushing... read more »

What Dental Bleaching is All About

If you’re thinking about whitening the tint of your pearly whites, you’ve come to the right site! We’ve helped numerous of our patients in Portland, Maine, whiten their pearly whites, and we continue to do so on a daily basis. The service works through bleaching, and it’s totally safe. Bleaching services allow us to brighten the color of your chompers... read more »

Reducing the Chance of Oral Infection in the Home

Just as our team at Prosthodontics Associates, P.A. has to be conscious of and manage oral infection in the office, there are things you can do at home to reduce your probability of disease of the mouth, teeth and gums. Beyond the fundamentals of brushing and flossing, here are some tips to mull over: Wash Your Hands: Your mom and... read more »