October is here and fall has officially begun, bringing with it Breast Cancer Awareness Month as well as National Dental Hygiene Month. This is a time to raise awareness for both and help to prevent problems by monitoring your health and being mindful of your lifestyle choices. Whether you are fighting cancer or dental problems, catching problems in their early... read more »
If you have ever lost a tooth, you might have more than just a gap between your teeth. If a lost tooth is not replaced, the bone in the jaw that supported the lost tooth starts to deteriorate. That’s because when you chew your food, there’s no more stimulation to the bone from the missing tooth’s chewing action. Over time,... read more »
If you have lost one or more front teeth to a dental injury or untreated tooth decay, the missing tooth has likely done more than just hamper your ability to eat properly. Indeed, many people who are missing teeth also experience issues related to their outward appearance, which leads them to hide their smile. At our practice, we specialize in... read more »
When it comes to protecting your teeth, your first line of defense against tooth decay and cavities is tooth enamel, as it is the outermost covering that protects the more vulnerable dentin and tooth pulp below. Your enamel comes equipped for the job as the hardest substance in your body. However, because it doesn’t have living cells it can’t grow... read more »
When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »
Have you ever heard of a dental crown before? Dental crowns are cosmetic dentistry treatments that are designed to drastically improve your oral health. Through the use of a dental crown, you can improve your smile and help restore bites stability. Dental crowns are designed to be placed over the top of damaged teeth to not only restore the look... read more »
Congratulations on your new dentures! Replacing missing teeth will allow you to eat and speak effectively, and your new smile will be a boost to your self-esteem. It’s true that your dentures are not your natural teeth, but they can still accumulate food debris, tartar and plaque, and you will need to clean them at least twice a day. To... read more »
Even occasional tobacco use can affect the general health of your mouth and the appearance of your teeth. Tar and other chemicals introduced into your mouth when you smoke or use chewing tobacco can quickly adhere to the faces of your teeth. If they are not removed by your daily oral hygiene routine these seemingly minor dental stains can saturate... read more »
Are you familiar with the effects that improper oral hygiene can have on your smile? One side effect of poor dental health or injury is missing teeth. Because tooth loss can have a debilitating effect on your smile, you will need to make sure that you visit our dentist as soon as possible for appropriate restorations that can replace your... read more »
The teeth in the front of your mouth have cosmetic and functional value. When the tooth enamel layer on one of these teeth is compromised by a cavity it can cause discomfort, impair your ability to bite off pieces of food and could also leave you with an unattractive smile. If you have been experiencing a problem with one of... read more »