There are many types of dental restorations, including dental crowns. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. At Prosthodontics Associates, P.A., we provide tooth-colored, aesthetic dental crowns. Dr. Paul Best may recommend a dental crown in Portland, Maine, to: - Hold a weak tooth together -... read more »
Damaged tooth enamel can cause more than tooth sensitivity, and cosmetic imperfections. As time goes by bacterial deposits can start to build up in the minute textures in the tooth enamel. This could eventually cause a large and painful cavity to develop in the already distressed tooth. A minor chip can sometimes be repaired by having Dr. Paul Best apply... read more »
Coffee, soda, tea, wine, berries – is there anything that doesn’t stain your teeth? Believe it or not, these substances and many others can stain your teeth, and those stains can be very hard to remove once they’ve breached your tooth enamel. Are your teeth stained or misshaped? If so, dental veneers might be a great option for you. Veneers... read more »
A hard blow to the face from a household accident, automotive collision, or sports injury can sometimes cause severe dental trauma. When a tooth is cracked, shattered, or severely fractured Dr. Paul Best might be able to restore it with endodontic therapy. If the dental trauma has also traumatized the underlying periodontal tissues, Dr. Paul Best might recommend extracting the... read more »
The secret to a great smile during your teen years is heavily dictated by the decisions you make in your personal life and your social life. Not only can you enhance your oral health by not giving into the peer pressures of a teen life, but your overall health will profit greatly too. Your oral health services guide for teenage... read more »
Do you know what the benefits are for dental crowns and your smile? The advantages of dental crowns include an aesthetic upgrade for your teeth against irregularities and abnormalities, as well as protection for your teeth from future wear and tear and oral health disorders such as bruxism and cavities. In addition, dental crowns can restore a tooth’s functionality and... read more »
When the natural bacteria in your mouth manage to exploit a compromised area, the resulting cavity can vary in size. When they’re small the area of tooth decay might cause minimal discomfort. If it’s not diagnosed the treated early the problem could spread to cause increasing problems with your oral health. A small cavity can often be repaired with a... read more »
Do you have missing teeth and want to fill in your smile? Although there are many different varieties of tooth replacements, one of the most successful forms is a dental implant. Not only are implants permanent, but they can last a lifetime if you take care of them. Dental implants work by the prosthodontist installing them directly into your jawbone.... read more »
The eight large molars in the back of your mouth play a critical role in grinding and processing the foods you eat. If one is lost to dental trauma or severe tooth decay, it can significantly impair your oral function. First molars, residing immediately behind your premolars, can often be replaced by a piece of bridgework. This restoration will be... read more »
Are you considering a dental implant? If so, you are not alone. Thousands of people wonder if dental implants are right for them, yet they are unsure of the details around the procedure. That is why our team here at Prosthodontics Associates, P.A. in Portland, Maine, is happy to talk to you about dental implants, so you can discover if... read more »